I can’t believe it is day five already.
The weather has been amazing, meaning we are ahead of schedule. We are however still doing big days to maximize the good times because we know how quickly it can change.
After four days of watching other gardens putting in some awe inspiring products and structures I was beginning to worry I had kept my garden too simple. But today we put the first of our trees in and the back wall has been filled and even though the wall hasn’t been grouted, we can begin to visualise what it will look like.
We received some bad news from our pebble supplier to say that one type of pebbles we have chosen had been sold by mistake. Luckily this was the smallest amount (only seven bags) but now we will have to source them somewhere else. This would be reasonably easy in Melbourne but here we are struggling to know where to start! We are going to try B&Q (English Bunnings) in the morning and go from there.