
Dichondra repens

Dichondra repens, also known as Kidney Weed, is an Australian native ground cover that forms a lush carpet of small, bright green, kidney-shaped leaves – hence its common name! It has creeping root stems wherever the nodes touch the ground, making them a fast-growing plant.

Dichondra repens between bluestone pavers.

Landscape uses

Dichondra is excellent as a ground cover and for planting between pavers. It’s a good option for a lawn alternative but only for areas that receive light foot traffic. Dichondra can also be used in gravel and rock gardens. We used Dichondra between bluestone pavers and, in conjunction with Vinca minor and Heliotropes, out our Canterbury Vine project.

Dichondra repens between bluestone pavers and Vinca minor.

How to plant

Plant Kidney Weed in full sun or part shade in well-drained soil for the best results. You can expect this ground cover to grow to a maximum height of 5cm. Space pots accordingly based on the surface area you want to cover.

Care and maintenance

Dichondra is virtually maintenance-free. If using it as a lawn alternative, you can mow 3-4 times per year. If cut, it will give a smooth finish. Once established, deep and infrequent watering will be necessary to keep the plant lush and healthy. Ensure that you allow the plants to dry out before watering.

Dichondra repens